Monday, Mar 10, 2025

How to Clean Window Screens

Cleaning the Screens Without Removing Them.

  • First, vacuum the screen with a brush attachment to remove any dirt, spider webs and pollen.
  • Starting from the top, mist the screen with white vinegar from a spray bottle. Use a damp microfiber cloth and gently wipe the screen in a circular motion, careful not to push too hard. If possible clean the screen from the outside as well – you may need a ladder.
  • Screen Magic is a simple approach to cleaning your screens without removing them. You simply soak a micro-fiber cloth with Screen Magic and wipe the screen until it’s clean. As always, read the instructions on the bottle.

How to Clean Window Screens

Cleaning Window Screens

Residential House Cleaning Service of Louisville - Cat's Cleaning Service
2400 Stannye Court
(270) 823-3148

#Louisville #HouseCleaing #Residential #Friendly

Cat's Cleaning Service 2400 Stannye Court Louisville, KY 40222 Call Us Today @ 270-823-3148 We clean a residence from the top to bottom, utilizing crevice tools and others to get in the nooks and crannies to get it Cat Clean!!!! #CleaningService #Cat'sCleaning #LouisvilleKY

Residential House Cleaning Service of Louisville - Cat's Cleaning Service

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